The Health Tracker uses flowsheets called “Care Trackers” to manage your Measurement and Prevention groups. While Juno has some default trackers already present, you may find these do not suit your individual needs for recording specific measurements or preventions in the course of the patient's health care journey.

This guide contains details on how to create new Trackers within the Health Tracker in the Juno User Interface (UI).

There are a number of standard care trackers within Juno EMR, such as Diabetes, Hypertension and Heart Failure. In cases where you’d prefer to have your own customized trackers with specific measurements to minimize the workflow required it is important to be able to create and manage your own.

Navigating to the Health Tracker

To navigate to the Health Tracker, please refer to our guide “Health Tracker (Using the Health Tracker)

Methods of Accessing the Health Tracker

The Health Tracker can be accessed from the Administration Panel, User Settings or through a patient’s chart. You will find detailed steps for each section below:

Administration Panel

System administrators can access the clinic wide health tracker manager by following these steps:

  1. Select “Admin”

  2. Select “System Management”

  3. Select “Customize Health Tracker”

User Settings

From the User Settings;

  1. Select your name in the top-right corner of your JunoEMR account.

  2. Select “User Settings” in the drop-down.

  3. Select “Health Tracker” on the far right side.

Patient Health Tracker

Please refer to our guide “Health Tracker (Using the Health Tracker)” for steps on how to access this.

Managing the Care Trackers within a Chart

Located in the top-right corner of the screen you will see a button labeled “Manage Health Tracker”.

Clicking this button will redirect you to the Manage Health Tracker section. Within this section you will see the names of the Care Trackers, their Descriptions, as well as some action buttons associated with each. It will look like this:

  1. New Care Tracker: Redirects the page to create a new Care Tracker

  2. Care Tracker: The name of the Care Tracker as it appears in the Health Tracker

  3. Description: The description of the Care Tracker

  4. Edit: Allows you to edit the Care Tracker in question*

  5. Copy: Copies the Care Tracker to modify as required. Copied trackers will prompt the user-level access and will create a new Tracker.

    • Copy Care Tracker:

  6. Disable; Disables the Care Tracker

  7. Delete; Deletes the Care Tracker*

*Default Care Trackers cannot be edited or deleted.

Creating or Editing a Care Tracker

While the default Care Trackers cannot be modified, there is the ability to create your own trackers and modify them as required. Additionally, you can also copy an existing tracker to then modify if desired.

  1. Begin by selecting ‘New Care Tracker’, located in the top-right corner.

    1. See: Methods of Accessing the Health Tracker: New Care Tracker.

  2. Enter a name for your Care Tracker along with a description.

  3. You also have the option of adding a Trigger Code associated with this tracker. Trigger codes are ICD9 triggers which, when present within the patients Disease Registry, will add this tracker to the ‘Pinned Care Tracker’ within the patients Health Tracker.

    1. An example would be if a patient with Hypertension has this within their Disease Registry, and the trigger of “401” is added to your Care Tracker, this tracker will be automatically added to the ‘Pinned Care Trackers.’

  4. Click “Add Group” to create a group of Measurement and Prevention items that will be displayed together whenever you look at this tracker. Upon selecting “Add Group” you will be prompted to create a name for this group.

  1. Once the group has been created, a new line will appear where you may enter a Group Description.

  2. Selecting ‘Add Measurement Item’ will display a overlay prompting you to type the name of the measurement you wish to add to this tracker. Partially typing the name will display suggestions which meet the typed criteria.

    1. If a mistake is made when selecting a measurement, you can remove these afterwards by selecting the ‘X’ on the far-right of the measurement itself.

  1. Selecting ‘Add Prevention Item’ will display a pop-up window prompting you to type the name of the prevention you wish to add to this tracker. Partially typing the name will display suggestions which meet the typed criteria. Preventions are case-sensitive when searching.

  1. Renames the existing Group.

  2. There are many options available once the measurements have been added, including customized Input Label, Input Restrictions, Guidelines, and Rules.

    1. Input Label

      1. Input Label allows you to change the measurement display name when reviewing historical entries from the Care Trackers section.

    2. Input Restrictions

      1. Input Restrictions will restrict the value being entered to match that of the selected input, either Text, Numeric, Checkbox or Date.

    3. Guidelines

      1. Guidelines provide information to providers on what is an acceptable value in the data entry, but does not prevent a provider from entering a value outside of this guideline.

    4. Rules

      1. Rules are alerts which present visual cues to indicate warnings or notes regarding the measurement type. 
        Such examples would include a warning whereas a measurement has never been recorded for the patient, or it has been X months since the measurement was last entered.

      2. To add a Rule, select the “Add Rule” button. Select the desired rule in the decision rules menu, then select “Submit”.

  3. Care Trackers can also be used to add prevention items; any prevention added within the Health Tracker will also be added to the preventions section with the patient's chart. The process to add preventions is the same as measurements, with the only consideration being that when searching for the prevention type, ensure the first character is capitalized.

  4. Once satisfied with the measurements and preventions added, along with any descriptions and rules applied, select ‘Save’ in the top-right corner. You will receive a prompt that the changes have been successfully applied. Select ‘Close’ in the top-right corner to navigate back to the Manage Health Tracker screen. 
    If no further modifications are required, simply select ‘Health Tracker’ at the top to be brought back to the patient’s health tracker.