A Day Sheet is a list of appointments for a date and time range which can be printed from Oscar. To print a Day Sheet, follow the following steps.

1. From the Appointment view, click on "Report". This will open the Report List. To print a Day Sheet, you will be looking at section #3, Day Sheet.

2. Select the provider, group, or "All providers" for whom you want to print the day sheet from the drop down list.

3. Select the date range for the day sheet by clicking on the "From" and "To" links. This will allow you to select the date from a calendar.

4. Select the time range for the day sheet by using the drop down menus.

5. You have two choices when printing a day sheet. You can select "All appointments" to generate a list of all the appointments scheduled during the selected period.
The other option is to "Print Day Sheet for only new appointments", which prints the day sheet for new appointments only. This will only work if you print the day sheet for a single provider, so make sure you select the correct provider from the drop down list. The day sheet will be generated in a new window.

6. You can now print your day sheet by clicking the "Print" button in the upper right corner of the new window.


- When reviewing your day sheet, you can review when the appointments are schedules to end by hovering over the start time.
- You can sort through the report by column. Just click on the header you wish sort with.
- Printing the day sheet for new appointments only will change the status of your appointments from "Booked" to "Daysheet Printed".