Merging demographics in Juno EMR

You ended up with two different charts for the same patient? No worries. OSCAR does have the ability to attach them together to ensure that the information entered in both charts is easily accessible from one "main" chart.

Note that, even though the name of this tool refers to "merging", the data from both charts will not be merged together. The demographic merge tool works in a very similar way that a paperclip would for two paper charts. You are attaching the charts together for record keeping, but OSCAR does not literally merge all the information into one chart.

The following steps will allow you to merge two patients charts:

1. From the appointment screen, click on Administration to open the admin panel.

2. On the left, click on "Data Management" to expand the data management section, then click on "Merge Patient Records".

3. Use one of the several options to search for the patient charts that you would like to merge. If the charts you would like to merge do not have the same patient name, try searching by phone or DOB instead of name.

4. Select the charts you would like to merge together using the check boxes on the far left.

5. Select the chart you would like to keep as the main record. The main record will be the chart you are going to be using for all encounters moving forward, and from which the other duplicate chart(s) can be accessed from. It will also be the chart used when creating invoices, so make sure you have the patients health care number entered in this chart and removed from other charts before completing the merge.

6. Click the "Merge Selected Records" button.

Once the charts are merged, you will not be able to modify the master file of the secondary charts though they will remain available to be read.

Un-merging demographics in Juno EMR

Do you need to edit a secondary master file? Or switch which chart is considered the main record? To do so, you will need to go through and un-merge the records. The following steps will allow you to do so:

1. From the appointment screen, click on Administration to open the admin panel.

2. On the left, click on "Data Management" to expand the data management section, then click on "Merge Patient Records".

3. Use one of the several options to search for the patient chart you would like to un-merge. Once your search keyword has been entered, click on the "Search Merged Records" button to find all matching merges demographics.

4. Select the record you would like to un-merge by click on the checkbox on the left, beside that patient's name.

5. Click on the "UnMerge Selected Records" button.

Once the records have been un-merged, you will be able to modify the secondary demographic file as required. Simply go through the merging steps again as required to re-merge them together.