Viewing Active Ticklers

Your active ticklers are listed in a table on your dashboard(see image below), and can be accessed directly from the dashboard by clicking on the tickler. A tickler will remain in the table on the dashboard until it is marked as completed.

Ticklers can also be accessed by clicking on “Ticklers” in the main navigation bar, the number of your(the current user’s) active ticklers will appear as a superscript in red(see image below).

Note that although Ticklers can only be assigned to one EMR user at a time, they can be viewed by other EMR users. 

viewing and updating ticklers in the juno ui


Filtering Ticklers


By default, the Tickler page shows all active ticklers assigned to all users in the EMR.

viewing and updating ticklers in the juno ui - img1

  1. To see tasks for a specific time range, click on the "Service Start Date" and "Service End Date" fields to select dates from the calendar.

  2. To view "Completed" or "Deleted" ticklers, select an option from the "Status" dropdown.

  3. To filter ticklers by their “Priority”, select an option from the dropdown.

  4. To view ticklers assigned to specific EMR users, select a user from the “Assignee” dropdown. To view ticklers assigned to you, select your name from the dropdown.

  5. To view ticklers created by a specific user, select the user form the “Creator” dropdown

  6. To view ticklers created for patients assigned to a specific provider, select the provider from the”MRP” dropdown.

After selecting your desired filters, click on the “Search” button to generate a list of ticklers matching your criteria.

Editing, Updating and Completing a Tickler

To leave an update on or make changes to a Tickler, click on the "Edit" button in the second column on the left of the Tickler(click on the "Patient’s Name" to access the patient's Details Page).

On the Tickler page;

viewing and updating ticklers in the juno ui - img2

  1. You can reassign the Tickler to a different user by typing in the first or last name of the user you would like to assign the tickler to in the "Assigned to" field, then selecting a name from the populated list. If you would like to assign the tickler to yourself, you can enter your name, then select it from the populated list .

  1. Set a new service date in the "Service Date" field.

  1. The priority can be changed as needed, and the status updated using the "Status" dropdown. The status dropdown menu gives you the option of marking the Tickler as either; Active, Completed or Deleted.

  1. Updates can be added to ticklers as “Comments”. To add a comment to a tickler, 

    1. Click on the "Add" button(highlighted in blue above) in the Comment section (towards the bottom of the page)

    2. Type in the update into the field, then click on the “green check mark”(highlighted in purple above) to the left of the text field. 

  2. You can either click on the "Save Changes" button on the bottom right to save the updated tickler or the "Save & Write Encounter" button to save the updated tickler and add a note to the patient's eChart. 

You can also click on the "Complete" button in yellow at the bottom left to mark the task as complete.

Viewing Comments

To view comments left on a Tickler, click on “Ticklers” in the main navigation bar to open the ticklers page, then click on the "Comment Icon" (highlighted in black in the image below) in the 'Comment' column on the right for the tickler.

viewing and updating ticklers in the juno ui - img3

You can also click on the “Edit” button to the left of the tickler, and expand the “Comments” section to view the comments.

To mark a task as completed without making any changes, click on the "checkbox" on the left of the tickler, then click on the "Complete" button at the bottom to update the task (see image above).

Leaving Notes on Ticklers

Asides leaving comments on ticklers, you can also leave “Notes”. Notes are typically used to leave comments about updates made to ticklers. An example would be leaving a note indicating that a tickler has been reassigned to a different user. Notes left on ticklers cannot be saved as encounter notes.

To leave a Note on a tickler, click on the “Notes” icon in the ‘Note’ column(last column). 

Enter the note in the text area, then click on the “Save” button. The note can be updated as many times as needed(all changes made to the note are saved).

To see all the notes left on a tickler, click on the “Notes” icon in the ‘Note’ column, then click on the “number of note revisions” (example “rev 2”) to the right of the date.

This will populate the ‘Note Revision History’ for the tickler.

See this guide Creating ticklers in the Juno UI for details on how to create Ticklers in the Juno UI.