The MSP service location code (SLC) is a code sent with all your BC provincial invoices which is used to identify the treatment location type for the services rendered. As of April 1, 2021, MSP has updated their list of available SLCs to better capture where services are provided. You can find more information about what changed by consulting this document.
The SLC can be manually selected for each invoice you create, but that isn’t the most efficient way of handling this. To help you save time and make sure the SLC is correctly set for your claims, we added three levels of configuration within your Juno EMR. This ensures that each physician at the clinic can use the default code that makes the most sense for his practice.
1. Provider Level Setting
You can set the SLC for each providers individually by going to their Juno EMR provider record. There, you will find a dropdown titled ‘BC Service Location Code’. Select the appropriate code from the list linked above, then click on the ‘Update Record’ button at the bottom of the page to save the changes.
2. Site Level Setting (Multisite Only)
If your clinic is using the multisite feature, then you are able to set a default SLC for each of your locations. To do so, go to the ‘Satellite-Site Admin’ page located in the ‘System Management’ section of the administration panel. Click on the name of the site you want to add or modify the SLC for, then select the appropriate default code from the ‘Service Location Code’ drop down. Click on the ‘Save’ button when done to save the changes.
3. System Wide Level Setting
You can also have a system wide setting which would apply for all providers at the clinic. To set it up, email our support team at [email protected] with the code you would like to set as default, and we’ll make the required configuration changes from our end!
So… What Do I Use When?
It is fairly simple. When you go to create an invoice for a physician, Juno will first look to see if a provider level setting is configured for this specific provider. If the doctor does have a configured SLC, then that code will be applied to the invoice. If not, Juno will automatically check to see if there is a site associated with the appointment you are billing for, and whether this site has a default SLC. The system wide level is used last, meaning that it will only default to that code if the provider doesn’t have a configured default code and if there is no site, or no code associated with the site itself.