The disease registry is used to document relevant patient diagnoses, conditions, or procedures. It is a tool for tracking patients’ clinical care and outcomes of diagnoses or conditions over time. The disease registry in Juno EMR uses the ICD-9 diagnostic code system.



Accessing the Disease Registry


To access the disease registry in the Classic User Interface (UI), open the patient's eChart by either clicking on the "E" on an appointment, the "E" in the search window or the "E-Chart" option highlighted in blue on the left of the patient's master file.


The "Disease Registry" section is in the left-hand column of the patient's eChart. Click on the "Disease Registry" header or "+" sign (see image) to the right of the header to open the Disease Registry page. 



To access the disease registry in the Juno UI, search for the patient and open their ‘Details’ page, then click on the “Disease Registry” link (see image)



Adding Conditions to the Disease Registry


On the Disease Registry page, the "ICD-9" Coding system is selected by default.  



You can add a condition to the Disease Registry:


Using a keyword for the condition:


Enter the condition in the search field, then follow the steps detailed below.


  1. Enter a keyword for the condition into the input field.

  2. Click on the "Code Search" button at the bottom.

  3. The ICD-9 Code Search page will populate a list of matching conditions, click on the checkbox beside a condition to select it.

  4. Click on the "Confirm" button at the bottom of the list(see image). This converts the search keyword(condition) into its corresponding "ICD-9 code".

  5. Click on the "Add" button at the bottom to add the condition to the Registry.



Using the ICD-9 for the condition: 


Enter the "ICD-9" code for the condition in the search field, then click on the “Add” button at the bottom.


You can enter up to five (5) conditions or ICD-9 codes into the search fields at one time (one condition per search field). When adding multiple conditions at once, on the ICD-9 code search page, click on the checkboxes for all the conditions matching the search criteria entered, to select them before clicking on the “Confirm” button.



Updating a Disease Registry Entry


By default the "First Visit" date is set to the date the condition is added to the disease registry. 


To change the "First Visit" date, click on the date, type in the new date (navigate using the arrow keys), then click on the "Update" link on the right to save. 


To update the "Last Visit" date on a patient's visit, click on the "Update" link to automatically update the "Last Visit" date and time.


If an entry is entered in error, you can remove it. To delete an entry, click on the “Delete” link, then click “OK” in the dialogue box that pops up. 


If a patient no longer has a previously entered condition, you can mark the condition as resolved.  To set a condition as resolved, click on the “Resolve” link. The last visit date is automatically updated once the “Resolve” button is clicked.