Are you a family physician practicing in British Columbia? If you answered yes to this question, then you are certainly aware of the GPSC Chronic Disease Management Incentives program. This program allows physicians who are providing on-going primary care to patients with chronic conditions to get compensation for the additional work involved.

There are a number of criteria determining if the chronic disease management incentives fee for service can be billed. Among them is the need to have seen a patient at least twice in the past 12 months. The incentive must also not have been billed in the past 12 months, as they can only be billed one per consecutive 12 month period.

Keeping track of the billing anniversary and confirming when the patient was seen can be a rather daunting task when it needs to be done for your entire panel, but fear not! Juno EMR has built-in reports that will allow you to keep track of this information for your practice so you do not have to worry about tracking it outside the EMR!

Accessing the Billing Dashboard

System administrators can access the dashboard for all physicians at the clinic using the administration panel in the Juno interface. Users who are not system administrators can access their own dashboard via the Classic interface, but will not have access to other users’ dashboard. This means that administrative staff members assisting with your chronic care billing must have administrative privileges if they are to run the reports on behalf of a physician.

To access the billing dashboard as a system administrator, go through the following steps:

  1. The dashboard can only be accessed from the Juno interface. If you are not using the Juno interface, you will first need to navigate to it by clicking on the ‘Juno’ logo at the top left of your screen. 

  2. At the top of the screen, click on ‘Admin’ to open the administration panel.

    • If you are using a small screen resolution on your device, the ‘Admin’ option will be located under the ‘More’ menu. Simply click on ‘More’, then click on ‘Admin’ to open the administration panel.

  3. On the left, click on ‘Reports’ to expand that tab of the menu.

  4. Click on the ‘Panel Management’ option to open the Panel Management page.

From here, select the name of the provider you want to run the billing reports for using the ‘Provider’ drop down menu, then select the ‘Billing Dashboard’ option using the ‘Panel’ drop down menu. Click on the ‘Run Report’ button to run the report and view the results.

To access the billing dashboard as a physician, go through the following steps:

  1. The dashboard can only be accessed from the Classic interface. If you are not using the Classic interface, you will first need to navigate to it by clicking on the ‘Juno’ logo at the top left of your screen.

  2. Hover over the ‘Dashboard’ option located at the top of the screen on the right of the ‘Administration’ option. Available dashboards will appear underneath.

  3. Click on the ‘Billing Dashboard’ option to open your billing dashboard.

Understanding the CDM Incentive Program Report

Your chronic care billing data will be displayed in the ‘CDM Incentive Program’ section of the Billing Dashboard. It will look like this:

  1. At the top of each graph, you will see which chronic disease management incentive service fee the results pertain to: 14050, 14051, 14052 and 14053.

  2. The pie charts allow you to know at a glance the percentage of patients who fall into each of the three statuses:

    1. Patients recall: You have not billed a chronic disease management incentive service fee for this patient over the past 12 months, however you have not seen them twice over the same period of time. 

    2. Patients billable: You have not billed a chronic disease management incentive service fee for this patient over the past 12 months, and have seen this patient at least twice over the same period of time. The associated chronic billing code can be billed for these patients.

    3. Patients up to date: You have billed a chronic disease management incentive service fee for this patient in the past 12 months. No further action is required at this point.

  3. Below each pie chart, you will find an ‘options’ drop down which allows you to select the ‘Indicator Info’ (d) option, or the ‘Drill Down’ (e) option.

  4. The ‘Indicator Info’ selection opens an overlay containing details on the specific report run.

  5. Clicking on the ‘Drill Down’ option will take you to a list of patients that can be filtered by various criteria to allow for more in-depth chronic disease billing management. Batch actions can be performed under this view as well.

Using the ‘Drill Down’ Tool

The Drill Down tool generates a list of patients who have the appropriate diagnosis and are not currently up to date. It will look like this:

  1. Use the buttons at the top to interact with the dashboard:

    1. Dashboard: Return to the billing dashboard.

    2. Print: Print the drill down list of patients.

    3. Export: Export the drill down list of patients to CSV.

    4. Details: View the details on this report (same as ‘Indicator Info’ (d) from the billing dashboard).

  2. Select the number of entries you want to see per page using the drop down menu. The default is 10.

  3. Use the drop down menus and the parameter field to filter your patient list:

    1. In the first drop down, select your filtering criteria.

    2. In the second drop down, select how you want the filtering criteria to be applied. 

    3. Enter the keyword or number you want to filter by in the ‘Parameter’ text field. 

    4. Click on the ‘Filter’ button.

    5. Use the ‘Reset’ button to reset the filter and display all patients again.

For example, I could select ‘Age’, then ‘greater than’, then type in ‘23’ before clicking on the ‘Filter’ button. The criteria would therefore read ‘Age greater than 23’. This would remove all patients that are 23 years old or younger, leaving me with only two patients: Reynaldo Truong and Alice Ho from my list above.

  1. The ‘Batch Actions’ menu allows you to perform batch actions on selected records:

    1. Use ‘Select All in View’ to select all records currently visible on the page.

    2. Use ‘Select None’ to clear your selection.

    3. Use ‘Assign Tickler’ to create a tickler for all your selected records at once.

  2. The table headers identify the content of each column and can be read as follows:

    1. Id: Patient demographic ID in Juno EMR. Clicking on the patient ID in this column opens the patient’s Master File (Classic interface) from which you can access the appointment history, invoice list and eChart using the navigation bar on the left.

    2. Name: Patient name.

    3. Age: Patient age.

    4. Gender: Patient gender.

    5. CDM Status: Recall, billable or up to date.

    6. Last Bill: Date of the last CDM billing for this patient.

    7. Dx Date: Date of the first visit for this diagnostic, as identified in the ‘Disease Registry’ section of the patient record.

    8. Last Visits: These identify the last visits for which an invoice was submitted to MSP and paid.

Click on the headers of each table to order the results by the values listed in that column.

  1. Use the drop down menus at the bottom of the page to filter patients and only show the selected value. Selecting ‘billable’ under the ‘CDM Status’ column, for example, would filter out all records except those who are currently billable.

  2. Use the page navigator to navigate from one page to the next if you have multiple pages of results.

Important Information to Know

Patients must have the appropriate condition recorded in their disease registry to be considered as part of this report. If you are not familiar with the disease registry, do not hesitate to consult our guide on using the disease registry to find out more.

Patients must be assigned to the physician’s panel to be included in the reports. A patient is assigned when their primary physician is selected in the ‘MRP’ (Juno interface) or ‘Doctor’ (Classic interface) section of their records.

A patient is considered as having been seen when a visit has been successfully billed to MSP and paid. Unpaid visits will not count towards the two required yearly visits for this patient when it comes to the chronic care billing incentive.

The billing dashboard looks at data from both your ClinicAid account and, when applicable, your OSCAR billing module. It does not look at data submitted in other billing software. If you are moving over from another EMR, make sure you export a list of your chronic care billing from your previous EMR to use as a reference, as it will take a year to rebuilt the data and ensure all your patients are captured by the billing dashboard reports.