In Juno EMR, Consultations are requests sent from a health care practitioner to another - typically a specialist. They usually will contain a letter with details pertaining to the reason for this request for consultation, as well as documents, reports or eForm attachments as required. The guide below will introduce you to the Consultations section of the Juno interface and the steps required to create a new consultation request in Juno EMR.


To create a new consultation request, you will first need to navigate to the ‘Consultations’ tab of your patient’s record. Navigate to the patient record via your schedule, the sidebar or the search tool. Once you have accessed the record, click on the ‘Consultations’ tab located just under the patient’s details.




From there, click on the ‘New Consultation Request’ button located towards the top left of the page. This will take you to the consultation request page where you will be able to select the specialist, write your letter and attach files. The tool will look like this:





  1. Patient details – As entered in the patient’s summary page. Those details will be included in the final letter.
  2. Letterhead – Use the drop-down menu to select the letterhead that will be used for your consultation request. By default, the current user’s name will be selected, however you can select the clinic’s name or any other healthcare practitioner’s name if you are writing the consultation request on behalf of another member of staff.
  3. Specialist – First, select the service using the left drop down menu. This will typically be the specialty you are referring your patient to, like ‘Cardiology’. Then select the specialist among the list of physicians now available in the right drop down.
  4. Referral Practitioner – Select the name of the practitioner who is referring this patient to the selected specialist using this drop-down menu.
  5. Referral Date – By default, the current date. As needed, update this date to the correct referral date.
  6. Urgency – Select the urgency for this specific request. This will be included on the final print out.
  7. Send To – If you have multiple teams working within the same clinic, you may want to ensure a specific group of staff is made aware of this specific request. Select the appropriate team using this drop-down menu. Note that this drop down will be blank unless teams have been specifically created in your providers’ profile.
  8. Patient Will Book – Leave this checkbox checked if you want the patient to book their appointment. You can use the appointment date field underneath to keep track of the appointment date and time for your own records once you are aware of the date.
  9. Appointment Notes – Used for internal notes on the appointment.
  10. Reason for Consultation; Pertinent clinical information; Significant Concurrent Problems – Use these three fields to write the core of your letter. The header ‘Reason for Consultation’ will appear on all requests regardless of which sections have been filled out, however the ‘Pertinent clinical information’ and the ‘Significant Concurrent Problems’ headers will only be displayed if you entered text in their respective box.

    To speed things up when entering the patient’s history, click on any of the buttons to automatically add the content of that section – e.g. Medical History – of the record to the consultation request.
  11. Current Medications; Allergies – These two sections automatically include the current list of medications and the patient recorded allergies. Use the ‘Other Meds’ button to automatically add information included in the ‘Other Meds’ section of the patient record.

    Note that a medication is considered current if there is time left on the prescription according to Juno. Prescriptions written without appropriate durations and considered expired by the EMR will not be automatically added to this section even if the patient is actively taking these medications.
  12. Attachments – Click on the ‘Attachments’ button to open the attachments overlay. Documents, eDelivered reports and eForms can be attached to the consultation. You will find the available items on the left. Select the item you wish to attach and click on the ‘>>’ button to move it to the right. If you attached a document accidentally, select it on the right and click on the ‘<<’ button to remove it from the attachment list. As needed, double click on an item to preview it before attaching it. Click on the ‘Done’ button once you have selected the required attachments.
  13. Buttons –
    1. Save - Saves the consultation request to your EMR.
    2. Save & Print - Saves the consultation request to your EMR and generates a PDF preview that you can save to your computer or print.
    3. Save & Fax - Saves the consultation request to your EMR and faxes the consultation to the selected specialist if you are using an integrated eFaxing solution and the specialist record includes a fax number.