You will find below the list of database tags available for Juno EMR users along with the format of the data and an example of the data. The tags have been organized by categories.
Current Date
Database Tag | Format/Note | Example |
today | yyyy-mm-dd | 2020-04-20 |
today2 | dd-mm-yyyy | 20-04-2020 |
today3 | mm-dd-yyyy | 04-20-2020 |
time | Current time. | 11:15:03 |
Logged In User Information
Database Tag | Format/Note | Example |
current_user | Last, First | Smith, John |
current_userF | First name | John |
current_userL | Last name | Smith |
current_user_fname_lname | First Last Name | John Smith |
current_user_ohip_no | User's OHIP / MSP / Prac ID, from the "Provincial Billing/MSP # field in the provider record. | 11111 |
current_user_group_billing_number | User's group billing number, from the "Group Billing #" field in the provider record. | 11111 |
current_user_specialty | User's specialty, from the "Specialty" field in the provider record. | General Practice |
current_user_specialty_code | User's specialty code, from "Specialty Code" in the provider record. | 02 |
current_user_cpsid | User's College of Physicians and Surgeon's ID number, from the "CPSID" field in the provider record. | 11111 |
current_user_id | User's provider ID number for this user in the EMR. | 1 |
current_user_email | User's email, from the "Email" field in the provider record. | [email protected] |
current_user_cc_provider_id | User's Connect Care provider Id, from the provider record. Alberta only. | 11111 |
current_user_takno | User's Calgary Lab Services provider ID number, from the "TAK #" field in the provider record. Alberta only. | 1111 |
current_user_lifelabs_id | User's LifeLabs delivery ID, from the "LifeLabs ID" field in the provider record. Ontario only. | A1111 |
current_user_signature | User's digital signature, as set in the user's preference setting. This is a printed text signature, not a signature stamp. | Dr. John Smith |
current_logged_in_user | Last, First | Smith, John |
current_logged_in_user_address | User's address as entered in the "Address" field of provider record. | 123 Fake st, Faketown, BC, 1A23C4 |
current_logged_in_user_fax | User's fax number as identified in the "Fax" field in the provider record. | 111.222.3333 |
current_logged_in_user_work_phone | User's work phone, as identified in the "Phone (work)" field of the provider record. | 333.222.1111 |
current_logged_in_user_type | User's provider record type, as identified by the "Type" drop down in the provider record. | Doctor |
current_logged_in_user_id | User's provider ID number for this user in the EMR. | 1 |
current_logged_in_user_roles | User's roles, in a list. | doctor,admin |
current_logged_in_user_takno | User's Calgary Lab Services provider ID number, from the "TAK #" field in the provider record. Alberta only. | 1111 |
Most Responsible Physician
(MRP/Doctor drop downs in patient's master file)
Database Tag | Format/Note | Example |
doctor | Last, First | Smith, John |
doctorF | First Name | John |
doctorL | Last Name | Smith |
doctor_provider_no | MRP's provider ID number for this user in the EMR. | 1 |
doctor_ohip_no | MRP's OHIP / MSP / Prac ID, from the "Provincial Billing/MSP # field in the provider record. | 11111 |
doctor_group_billing_no | MRP's group billing number, from the "Group Billing #" in the provider record. | 11111 |
doctor_specialty_code | MRP's specialty code, from "Specialty Code" in the provider record. | 02 |
doctor_cpsid | MRP's College of Physicians and Surgeon's ID number, from the "CPSID" field in the provider record. | 11111 |
doctor_fax | MRP's fax number, as identified in the "Fax" field of the provider record. | 111.222.3333 |
doctor_work_phone | MRP's work phone, as identified in the "Phone (work)" field of the provider record. | 333.222.1111 |
doctor_email | MRP's email, as identified in the "Email" field of the provider record. | [email protected] |
doctor_signature | MRP's digital signature, as set in the user's preference setting. This is a printed text signature, not a signature stamp. | Dr. John Smith |
doctor_cc_provider_id | MRP's Connect Care provider ID, from the provider record. Alberta only. | 11111 |
provider_name | Last, First | Smith, John |
provider_name_first_init | Initial of first name followed by full last name. | J. Smith |
provider_specialty | MRP's specialty as identified in the "Specialty" field of the provider record. | General Practice |
provider_libelabs_id | MRP'S LifeLabs delivery ID, from the "LifeLabs ID" field in the provider record. Ontario only. | A1111 |
Appointment Provider
Database Tag | Format/Notes | Example |
appt_provider_name | Last, First | Smith, John |
appt_provider_nameF | First name | John |
appt_provider_nameL | Last name | Smith |
appt_provider_ohip_no | Appointment provider's OHIP / MSP / Prac ID, from the "Provincial Billing/MSP # field in the provider record. | 11111 |
appt_provider_id | Appointment provider's provider ID number for this user in the EMR. | 1 |
appt_provider_cpsid | Appointment provider's College of Physicians and Surgeons ID number as identified in the "CPSID" field of the provider record. | 11111 |
app_provider_email | Appointemnt provider's email, as identified in the "Email" field of the provider record. | [email protected] |
appt_provider_specialty | Appointment provider's specialty, as identified in the "Specialty" field of the provider record. | General Practice |
appt_provider_takno | Appointment provider's Calgary Lab Services provider ID number, from the "TAK #" field in the provider record. Alberta only. | 1111 |
appt_provider_lifelabs_id | Appointment provider's LifeLabs Delivery ID, from the "LifeLabs ID" field in the provider record. Ontario only. | A |
appt_provider_cc_provider_id | Appointment provider's Connect Care ID, from the provider record. Alberta only. | 11111 |
Patient Details (Master File)
Database Tag | Format/Notes | Example |
patient_name | Last, First | Smith, John |
first_last_name | First Last name | John Smith |
patient_nameL | Last name | Smith |
patient_nameF | First name | John |
patient_alias | Patient's alias, from the 'Alias Names' field on the patient's details page (Juno UI only.) | Joe |
patient_id | Patient's demographic number. | 108 |
label | Last, First name Full adress Home and work phone Date of birth (gender) PHN | Smith, John 123 Fake St, Faketown, BC, A1B2C3 Tel:444-444-4444(H) 555-555-5555(W) 17/01/1980(M)HIN:123456789 |
address | Street number and street name City, Province, Postal code | 123 Fake St Faketown, BC, A1B2C3 |
addressline | Full address on a single line | 123 Fake St, Faketown, BC, A1B2C3 |
address_street_number_and_name | Street number and street name | 123 Fake St |
city | Patient's city | Faketown |
province | Patient's province | BC |
postal | Patient's postal code | A1B2C3 |
dob | Date of bith: dd/mm/yyyy (d/m/y) | 17/01/1980 (d/m/y) |
dobc | Date of birth: dd/mm/yyyy | 17/01/1980 |
dobc2 | Date of birth: yyyy/mm/dd | 1980/01/17 |
dobc3 | Date of birth: mm/dd/yyyy | 01/17/1980 |
dob_year | Year of birth | 1980 |
dob_month | Month of birth | 01 |
dob_day | Day of birth | 17 |
NameAddress | Last, First name Street number and street name City, Province Postal | Smith, John 123 Fake St Faketown, BC, A1B2C3 |
hin | Full HIN/PHN, including version code (Ontario) | 123456789 AB |
hinc | HIN/PHN, without version code | 123456789 |
hinversion | Version code only | AB |
hc_type | Province of health care coverage | BC |
hc_renew_date | Health card renew date, as identified in the demographic record. | |
chartno | Chart number | |
phone | Home phone number | 111-111-1111 |
phone2 | Work phone number | 222-222-2222 |
cell | Cellphone number | 333-333-3333 |
phone_extension | Home phone number extension | 111 |
phone2_extension | Work phone number extension | 222 |
age | Age in years | 41 |
age_in_months | Age in months | 493 |
ageComplex | Age in years, with "year old" text | 41 year old |
ageComplex2 | Age in years and months | 41 years 1 months |
sex | Sex at birth | M |
sin | Social insurance number | 111111111 |
name_of_mother | Mother's name, from "Name of Mother" field in the demographic file. | Joanne Smith |
name_of_father | Father's name, from "Name of Father" field in the demographic file. | Robert Smith |
roster_status | Patient's roster status | RO |
guardian_label | Information from a patient record identified as "guardian" in the "Other Contacts" section of the patient master file (classic UI). | ROBERT SMITH 123 Fake st Faketown BC A1B2C3 |
Patient's email | [email protected] |
Patient Summary (eChart)
Database Tag | Format/Notes | Example |
medical_history | CPP - Medical History | |
family_history | CPP - Family History | This is a family history entry. |
family_history_json | CPP - Family History | [{"note":"This is a family history entry."}] |
social_family_history | CPP - Social History | |
ongoingconcerns | CPP - Ongoing Concerns | |
reminders | CPP - Reminders | |
risk_factors | CPP - Risk Factors | This is a risk factor entry. |
risk_factors_json | CPP - Risk Factors | [{"note":"This is a risk factor entry."}] |
dxregistry | Name of conditions entered in the disease registry. Comma separated. | DIABETES MELLITUS*, ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION* |
allergies_des | All allergies, including archived allergies. | PENICILLIN archived allergies: AMOXIL |
allergies_des_no_archived | List of allergies, without archived allergies. | PENECILLIN |
recent_rx | List of recent prescriptions, with the prescription date and details. | 2021-01-12 AGGRENOX Take 1 Tabs PO BID for 90 Days LU Code: 349 Qty:180 Repeats:3 2020-12-15 MUCOMYST INJ 200MG/ML 2 ml by nebuliser TID for 30 days Qty:90 ml Repeats:4 2020-11-31 PULMICORT NEBUAMP 0.5 MG/ML inhale contents of 1 nebule BID for 60 days LU Code: 264 Qty:120 Repeats:00 |
today_rx | List of prescriptions written on the current date. | 2021-02-18 AGGRENOX Take 1 Tabs PO BID for 90 Days LU Code: 349 Qty:180 Repeats:3 |
druglist_generic | List of drugs using the generic name for each drug. This is a multiline field (one drug per line). | ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID 25.0 MG DIPYRIDAMOLE 200.0 MG 1 BID ACETYLCYSTEINE 0 TID SALBUTAMOL (SALBUTAMOL SULFATE) 0 QID prn IPRATROPIUM BROMIDE 0 Q6H SALBUTAMOL (SALBUTAMOL SULFATE) 1 qid BETAHISTINE HYDROCHLORIDE 16.0 MG 1 TID FUROSEMIDE 20.0 MG 1 OD |
druglist_trade | List of drugs using the trade name for each drug. This is a multiline field (one drug per line). | AGGRENOX 1 BID MUCOMYST INJ 200MG/ML 0 TID VENTOLIN 100MCG METERED-DOSE AEROSOL 0 QID prn ATROVENT .25MG SOLUTION 0 Q6H VENTOLIN 1MG LIQUID 1 qid NOVO-BETAHISTINE 16MG 1 TID LASIX 20 TAB 1 OD |
druglist_line | List of drugs, comma separated. | Aggrenox 1 BID, Mucomyst inj 200mg/ml 0 TID, Salbutamol 100mcg metered-dose aerosol 0 QID prn, Ipratropium bromide .25mg solution 0 Q6H, Salbutamol 1mg liquid 1 qid, Novo-betahistine 16mg 1 TID, Furosemide 20 tab 1 OD |
other_medications_history | List of medications listed in the "Other Meds" section of the chart. | |
latest_echart_note | Latest encounter note entered in the patient's encounter notes roll, without the header and closing lines. |
Clinic Details
Database Tag | Format/Note | Example |
clinic_name | Clinic name, from the "Manage Clinic Details" page. | Juno EMR Medical Clinic |
clinic_phone | Clinic phone, from the "Manage Clinic Details" page. | 111.111.1111 |
clinic_fax | Clinic fax, from the "Manage Clinic Details" page. | 222.222.2222 |
clinic_email | Clinic email, from the "Manage Clinic Details" page. | [email protected] |
clinic_label | Multiline field with the clinic name, address, phone and fax number. | Juno EMR Medical Clinic 123 Fake St Faketown, BC, A1B2C3 Tel:111.111.1111 Fax:222.222.2222 |
clinic_addressLine | Clinic street number and street name. | 123 Fake St |
clinic_addressLineFull | Clinic full mailing address on a single line. | 123 Fake St, Faketown, BC, A1B2C3 |
clinic_address | Multiline field with the clinic address. | 123 Fake St Faketown BC A1B2C3 Canada |
clinic_city | Clinic city, from the "Manage Clinic Details" page. | Faketown |
clinic_province | Clinic province, from the "Manage Clinic Details" page. | BC |
clinic_postal | Clinic postal code, from the "Manage Clinic Details" page. | A1B2C3 |
clinic_cc_lab_id | Clinic Connect Care Laboratory ID, from the "Manage Clinic Details" page. (Alberta only.) | 11111 |
clinic_cc_department_id | Clinic Connect Care Department ID, from the "Manage Clinic Details" page. (Alberta only.) | 22222 |
clinic_multi_phone | List of phone numbers, from the "Multi Phone" field in the "Manage Clinic Details" page. | 111.111.1111|333.333.3333 |
clinic_multi_fax | List of fax numbers, from the "Multi Fax" field in the "Manage Clinic Details" page. | 111.111.1111|333.333.3333 |
Multi-Site Details
These database tags are used to get a list of information for all active sites of a multi-site installation. All entries will be listed in the same order, and separated by a semi-colon (";").
Database Tag | Format/Notes | Example |
multisite_name_list | List of site names, from the "Satellite-Site Admin" page. | Juno EMR Fake St; Juno EMR Example Rd |
multisite_phone_list | List of phone numbers for all sites, from the "Satellite-Site Admin" page. | 111.111.1111;333.333.3333 |
multisite_fax_list | List of fax numbers for all sites, from the "Satellite-Site-Admin" page. | 222.222.2222;444.444.4444 |
multisite_full_address_list | List of all sites full address, from the "Satellite-Site Admin" page. | |
multisite_address_list | List of street names and numbers for all sites, from the "Satellite-Site Admin" page. | |
multisite_city | List of cities for all sites, from the "Satellite-Site Admin" page. | |
multisite_province_list | List of provinces for all sites, from the "Satellite-Site Admin" page. | |
multisite_postal_list | List of postal codes for all sites, from the "Satellite-Site Admin" page. | |
multisite_cc_lab_id | List of Connect Care Laboratory IDs for all sites, from the "Satellite-Site Admin" page. | |
multisite_cc_department_id | List of Connect Care Department IDs for all sites, from the "Satellite-Site Admin" page. |
Appointment Information
The database tags starting with "appt" will only pull information into your eForms if the eForm is opened with a direct link to the appointment. The eForm can be added to the appointment itself, or can be accessed from the eChart if the eChart was opened from the appointment itself. These will not be filled with any information if the eForm is opened after using the "Search" tool to locate the patient's chart.
Database Tag | Format/Notes | Example |
appt_date | Appointment date: yyyy-mm-dd | 2021-02-19 |
appt_date2 | Appointment date: dd-mm-yyyy | 19-02-2021 |
appt_date3 | Appointment date: mm-dd-yyyy | 02-19-2021 |
appt_start_time | Start time | 13:25 |
appt_end_time | End time | 13:40 |
appt_location | Location, as entered in the "Location" field of the appointment. | |
next_appt_date | Date of the next appointment: yyyy-mm-dd, hh:mm | 2021-04-19, 14:15 |
next_appt_time | Time of the next appointment. | 14:15 |
nextf_appt_date | Date of the next appointment: yyyy-MMM-dd | 2021-APR-19 |
next_appt_location | Location, as entered in the "Location" field of the appointment. | |
appt_no | Unique ID of this appointment in the database. | 138 |
Referring Doctor
This database tag serie is associated with the "Referring Doctor" field in the patient's details/master file. In order for Juno EMR to correctly pull in the full information associated with the referring doctor (address, phone, fax for example), the referring doctor needs to be fully added to the chart. You can refer to the following guides on adding a referring doctor to get familiar with the required steps:
- Referral & Family Doctors on Patient Charts - All provinces except BC
- Referral & Family Doctors on Patient Charts - BC Specific Print
The information for these database tags can be found, and the contact information for each provider updated by going to the "Edit Specialists" section of the EMR. It can easily be accessed by clicking on "Consultations" at the top of the screen, then on the "Edit Specialist Listing" link/button located towards the top left of the page.
If you are using a BC installation, this information will be located in the "Manage Referral Doctors" section of the administration panel, under the "Billing" tab. If you are using a BC installation of the software, use the series starting with "bc_". Otherwise, use the first tag listed under the "Database Tag" column.
Database Tag | Format/Notes | Example |
referral_name bc_referral_name | Last, First | Smith, John |
referral_nameF bc_referral_nameF | First name | John |
referral_nameL bc_referral_nameL | Last name | Smith |
referral_address bc_referral_address | Address of the referring physician. | 123 Fake St Faketown BC A1B2C3 |
referral_phone bc_referral_phone | Phone of the referring physician | 111.111.1111 |
referral_fax bc_referral_fax | Fax of the referring physician | 222.222.2222 |
referral_no bc_referral_no | OHIP / MSP / Prac ID or other provincial number of the referring physician | 11111 |
Family Doctor
This database tag serie is associated with the "Family Doctor" field in the patient's details/master file. In order for Juno EMR to correctly pull in the full information associated with the referring doctor (address, phone, fax for example), the referring doctor needs to be fully added to the chart. You can refer to the following guides on adding a referring doctor to get familiar with the required steps:
- Referral & Family Doctors on Patient Charts - All provinces except BC
- Referral & Family Doctors on Patient Charts - BC Specific Print
The information for these database tags can be found, and the contact information for each provider updated by going to the "Edit Specialists" section of the EMR. It can easily be accessed by clicking on "Consultations" at the top of the screen, then on the "Edit Specialist Listing" link/button located towards the top left of the page.
If you are using a BC installation, this information will be located in the "Manage Referral Doctors" section of the administration panel, under the "Billing" tab. If you are using a BC installation of the software, use the series starting with "bc_". Otherwise, use the first tag listed under the "Database Tag" column.
Database Tag | Format/Notes | Example |
family_doctor_name bc_family_doctor_name | Last, First | Smith, John |
family_doctor_last_name | Last name | Smith |
family_doctor_address bc_family_doctor_address | Address of the family physician. | 123 Fake St Faketown BC A1B2C3 |
family_doctor_phone bc_family_doctor_phone | Phone of the family physician | 111.111.1111 |
family_doctor_fax bc_family_doctor_fax | Fax of the family physician | 222.222.2222 |
family_doctor_no bc_family_doctor_no | OHIP / MSP / Prac ID or other provincial number of the family physician | 11111 |
Healthcare Team Providers
The healthcare team database tags serie pulls information in a list of entries separated by '|'. The lists are always in the same order.
Database Tag | Format/Notes | Example |
health_care_team_nameF | Healthcare team members first names. | John|Maria |
health_care_team_nameL | Healthcare team members last names. | Smith|Robertson |
health_care_team_phone | Healthcare team phone numbers. | 111.111.1111|333.333.3333 |
health_care_team_fax | Healthcare team fax numbers. | 222.222.2222|444.444.4444 |
healthcare_team_address | Healthcare team street number and name. | 123 Fake St |
healthcare_team_role | Healthcare team members role. | Family Doctor|Counsellor |
Forms & eForms
Database Tag | Format/Notes | Examples |
onGTPAL | From the Ontario Antenatal form. GTPAL code. This applies only for the form, not for the most recent copies of the Antenatal which have been built as eForms. | GxTxPxAxLx |
onEDB | From the Ontario Antenatal form. Recorded EDB. This applies only for the form, not for the most recent copies of the Antenatal which have been build as eForms. | 2021-12-07 |
bcGTPAL | From the BC Antenatal Record form. GTPAL code. | GxTxPxAxLx |
bcEDD | From the BC Antenatal Record form EDD field on the second page. Format: yyyy-mm-dd | 2021-12-07 |
bcEDD2 | From the BC Antenatal Record form EDD field on the second page. Format: dd/mm/yyyy | 07-12-2021 |
who_measurements | List of measurements for the WHO growth charts. |